On this September 26, Saturday, Robert Ludacer will be performing a solo set of packaging-related songs on top of Freshkills Landfill.
With the support of COAHSI and the New York City Parks Department, I'll be singing my new “Songs about Packaging” on top of what was formerly the world’s largest landfill. (Serenading, in effect, the decades of discarded packaging buried beneath.)
Eventually, Fresh Kills Park will be New York City’s largest new parks expansion since the 1890s, but since it is not yet open to the public, this performance can only be attended by those who sign up for it via the NYC Parks Department website. Transportation to the location will be provided by the same bus(es) that they use for their regular tours of the Fresh Kills site. Click here to RSVP and reserve a seat. Bus(s) to the Fresh Kills event depart from the Eltingville Transportation Center/Park & Ride on Staten Island.
There is also a recorded 7-song “Songs about Packaging” CD in the works—(not so solo)—which I plan to distribute for free to all those who attend this event. The CD packaging will be handmade (by me) from used packaging. (From the artist’s own personal recycling bin: frozen food carton, pasta & cereal boxes, etc.) - Randy
Check out some of the awesome sound clips:
The Prettiest Package
This Landfill Is Your Landfill

I'm so going to the packaging concert!