This project’s objective was to re-style the popular American “Barbasol” shaving cream in order to introduced it into the European market. For this, I maintained the basic form that they have used for years: the barber shop pole (stripes). The aggressive diagonal line that divides the stripes suggest a mix between the shaving cream and the fragance. It also alludes to the razor blades on the surface of the skin cutting through the facial hair. The way the lines drive all the way up and down on the sides makes a perfect simulation of the shaving cream mixing and exiting the can. The form of the can (cap & bottom) are in harmony with the angle of the stripes, thus providing a fluid motion for the eye. The typography utilized provides a more industrial and tech appearance.Designed by José Luis García Eguiguren for his Masters degree in Packaging Design, Barcelona-Spain.

The current packaging
don't understand the numbers, other than a nice anchor for the other type