Designed by Anna Marinenko, Ukraine.
Ghost urn is the urn for ashes. The idea is to move the body into the afterlife and turning into a ghost. The receptacle’s opaque color and crimped edges look like a ghost; the ashes are held in a clear glass cylinder, which fits neatly inside the color interior. In addition to the porcelain model, there are designs for metal urns in a silver tone and a gold tone.

Love it!
ReplyDeleteI think that if you consult the potential end users (ie people who have been bereaved) I doubt whether you will get a favourable response to this. It is witty, clever and stylish, but do you really think that is what a grieving bereaved person wants. I am a graphic designer, who also works for a bereavement charity. Give yourself a slap and go back to the drawing board.
ReplyDeleteI posted a critical but serious comment on here, about why witty, stylish, clever design of an urn is completely inappropriate for bereaved relatives. Interesting that you chose not to put it up. Censor anything that doesn't fit?
ReplyDeleteNic Thompson!
ReplyDeleteДife is not worth taking seriously! who died in care in a box lying down.
When you have lost someone you love a great deal, life does get serious.
ReplyDeleteI agree that this may come off as insensitive for most people but it is a good design. Is that a scan code at the bottom of the urn? Would people really flip these over to scan with their phones?
ReplyDeleteI would love for this to be my urn, after I die. :) It's cute, and it captures my attitude while cheering up the people around me. While I don't think it's for everyone, as I can already see some annoyingly uptight people. I like the idea of making death more light-hearted, and less depressing for the family.
ReplyDeleteI think the design is well executed, aside from the bar code, as well.
Well answered anonymous. (the last post) im convinced with your insight. no wonder the others hasn't replied back. jealous may be?^_^
ReplyDeleteDead good!
ReplyDeleteI like it, if i was cremated i'd want an urn that was fun and cute too. I can see how someone would be offended at the same time, death is a controversial subject. Still, i admire your bravery in this; not many would want to take something like that on.
ReplyDeleteHow can offering a choice be offensive? Some people may find the the lack of choice and the assumption that everyone wants to end up in a ming vase (replica) more offensive than this original object.
ReplyDeleteHow can an urn design offend? I'm confused. Are you worried that if someone you love dies, you may be offered this urn as an option, which would offend you? Surely you just need to exert whatever good taste you have to choose the appropriate urn for your own loved one, and your own opinion is irrelevant? Would you be offended if, on the list of songs you could play at the service, Ding Dong the Witch is Dead was an option, or would you just not choose it, understanding that some other people's last wish may be to make people smile?
Come on, lighten up - live and let die.
This design seems a little insensitive, but it could nevertheless fit for a select few who would prefer this choice for their loved ones. The price had better reflect the smaller market though, otherwise you'll never make any money!
ReplyDeleteThe QR code on the bottom could be an interesting feature, however, not necessarily for just standard information, but to link to a video or slideshow of the deceased, adding an interactive component to the remembrance.
I like it. When I drop dead, I want one of these. I would rather think of the end user not being the people left behind but the remains of the one who just past. "Celebrate my life, don't morn my death" and every time someone would look at something like this I believe it would bring a smile as apposed to a tear. I doubt the one past would wish for anything less.
ReplyDeleteP.S don't take the smile out of context!