Designed by Robert Williams, a student designer at the Art Institute of California San Diego.
Problem: The act of giving blood is an uncomfortable process. Because of this it generally has low turn outs, especially among college students who are low on time and energy.
Solution: Offering a free 2GB USB Thumbdrive to any student willing to donate blood is a cheap but more attractive alternative then the usual cookie or apple. Also, the USB's would serve as an educational tool and come equipped with a promotional video entitled, "Blood Circulation: The Story of Where Your Blood Goes From Here," detailing the story of how your blood donation will help others in need. After the video, the student will be able to share their donation and experience on facebook and become part of a special group.

Killer Job Rob. A great Idea too, for students and actually anyone giving blood these days. Keep up the great work.
Wish we all had creative ideas like this for all noble causes, to get people's attention and support. Great job done Roberts!!!