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Food 2 Go

Designed by P4CK Design, United Kingdom.

Who are we?
P4CK [pack – 4] is a young, fresh and fruitful award winning packaging consultancy with a passion to create and Design bespoke Innovative Packaging solutions.

Our latest product ; ‘ Food 2 Go’
'Food 2 Go' is a 2010 Star Pack award winning design. Since then we have been hard at work developing the pack ready for market. The pack has full patent protection; Patent No. PCT/GB2011/051040

The pack is flat pack enabling easy stacking, using less space when packed in to box’s, thus less space in the lorry, and behind the service counter, reducing the need for a separate bag and drinks carrier: this reduces the environmental impact dramatically. The pack is bespoke to each client so can be made from 100% recyclable material and can be recycled. The pack is easily opened into its operating position ready for food and drink. We focus heavily on user engagements with our product thus making our products intuitive and instinctive to use. The pack enables a great deal of mobility; it only needs one hand to hold and is very stable in the car and walking.

How does it work?
The 'Food 2 Go' pack holds food and drink separately. The food is contained within a bag which has perforations down the side. When the handles are pulled apart to open; the bag rips along the perforations and forms a tray to eat from. The perforations have been developed to give just the right strength to contain the food but make it possible to rip the bag open with ease. Once ripped the user is provided with a clean tray to eat from, making eating a more enjoyable experience anywhere they wish to go, whether it be at the park or in a car. The bag has a large surface for advertising which is clear and eye grabbing.

Our Philosophy; Less is more
Every brand we work with is special to us; Big or small, we have been fortunate to have worked with some of the most prestigious brands in the world; improving packaging through design, giving the users an intuitive experience, increasing brand value through innovation, and designing out waste.

2 comments: Food 2 Go

  1. Better than I thought to be! More less wasteful then the bag?

    It's a lot more convenient though and less messy.

    It then indeed is innovative!!


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