Designed by Buzzsaw Studios Inc., United States.
Last year my wife, kids and I started a garden. We planted a bunch of Jalapeño peppers. They grew so well we didn’t know what to do with all the ripe peppers and I didn’t want them to go to waste so I created a sauce. I had no idea that it would work but it did. Family and friends would come over and I would have it on the table with meals in an old Shoyu ( soy sauce ) bottle. They liked it so much that they requested their own bottles. I started making larger and larger batches and couldn’t keep up with the requests. At that point I knew it was time to go bigger. Now my immediate family is addicted to it along with my extended family and friends. Seriously one bottle will be drained by the end of some meals.
Adoboloco, a happy accident was officially born as a sub-brand of Buzzsaw Studios late 2010. The sauce is now selling in a few locations in central CA and Hawaii. The interest is growing everyday with it’s unique Jalapeño flavor that has a smooth building heat and extraordinary flavor. By only using one color of ink for the printing I was able to keep it very simple, bold and clean. In the world of hot sauce packaging it’s very loud and overcrowded. I wanted to make sure that it would stand out as different when it was sitting on the shelf next to hundreds of other sauces. The two headed rooster ( Loco / Crazy ) is based on a silhouette of my daughters pet rooster Coco.
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