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Kimtech Aviation Wipes (Redesign)

Designed by Grain Creative, Australia.

Kimberly Clark Professional is the world leader in commercial grade surface preparation products. Kimtech and Wypall products service healthcare, commercial kitchen, laboratory and aviation among others. They tasked Grain Creative to review their positioning in the aviation industry and tailor products to engineers and maintenance staff working in and around aircrafts.

Grain Creative developed a strong, bold and consistent packaging solution. This re-design improved the overall brand architecture, better stand out and immediacy of task recognition.

Steve Borengasser, Platform & Market Segment Leader of Asia-Pacific stated:

Making sure you’re using the right product can be especially critical in aviation where the product is specificed by an engineering-approved work process. So we use bold colors and abbreviations as devices to help them remember. Just like building designers use them to help customers remember where they parked their car.
Also about progress with the bundle. The design has done exactly what we hoped it would do. It has created excitement with our sales and marketing teams and with customers. They see it as proof that we are speaking the language of aviation and investing in innovation for their unique industry. Instead of pushing it to customers we have customers contacting us and asking for it - often in regions where we haven’t launched it yet!

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