Designed by mousegraphics, Greece.
Kefalonia fisheries, organic sea bream
The briefing: "We want to offer to our clients our basic products, Kefalonia sea bass and sea bream, fresh, cleaned and ready to cook"
The target audience: A wide but eclectic clientele.
The design: We actually designed the consumer's next move as far as this product is concerned: a fresh, clean and ready to be consumed fish does not require but the simple act of cooking it with all the fine herbs which will bring forward it's basic nutritious qualities. A differentiating band, on an otherwise transparent packaging, offers much more than the image of a serving suggestion. It works like an x-ray image of a pure product of Greek nature, as well as a preview of the particular culinary experience, the moment just -before-eating, when a fish is opened and all fine smells and juices are liberated.
This I usually seen on the market. The packaging seems so simple but the security is quite approved.