Agency: Tabasko Branding Bureau, Baku, Azerbaijan.
Designer: Khudayar Aghayarov
Copywriter: Erkin Osmanli
Production: Rufat Useynov
It’s good to be a man. It’s also good to have a clean-shaved face. However, it’s no good forcing yourself to shave every single day. Cause it may seem boring. For those who got sick of their shaving routine, we made this amazing shaving-brush called Brushman.
Brushman is a unique design solution that will make your shaving experience more fun and less boring. Once you get a Brushman you get a little helper. You won’t ignore it at a supermarket; it’ll be lying amidst the pile of other plain brushes and calling for you to try it.
Try it. And the girls will try you.
Good ! )