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Heinz Ketchup Concept

Awesome Heinz Ketchup bottle concept by Cagnina Design.
The creative ketchup project was an exploration on how far we could challenge the norm of the ketchup bottle while making it relevant to a brand. The design incorporates a bending action that gives consumers increased portion control.

Heinz Ketchup Concept

8 comments: Heinz Ketchup Concept

  1. Nice!!! Is on production?

  2. ehhh... maybe I just have a dirty mind but the design looks a litte too phalic to me

  3. Nice concept looks very ergonomic too!

  4. woot! Nice tomato sauce packaging, too bad it is not in the market...

  5. Nice packaging
    But i`m a little concerned with how it works...
    Anyone used one before?

    Cheers from The Daily Blog

  6. Oh dear, I hate it.

    It looks uncomfortable to hold and has artificial looking lines, not good for a product that prides itself as being made from real tomatoes. The classic glass bottle looks better. Infact the current packaging looks better.

  7. Yep Anonymous, that is why is in the concept stage, full credits to the creativity though


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