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My Love Juice

Creative Agency: Getbrand
Project type: Commercial Work
Location: Russia

«My Love» is a romantic name, especially when you’re talking about juice. «Senhorita» juice and nectar company commissioned us to create a new design for its “My Love” juice brand.

The idea for the design was, again, found in the name itself. Romantic relations, care, love – these are the prime values which form the base for the brand’s future communications.

The main competition comes from «Dobry», «Moya Semya», «Lyubimy Sad», and these are big federal players with multimillion advertising budgets, well known in Russian market. A regional producer can’t compete with multinational companies, neither in money, nor in abilities. The sole promotion instrument for most of the local brands is just a supermarket shelf. Therefore, the new design for the brand is not intended to become just another pack of juice with some pics on the face side, but it must be unlike anything else – better, more attractive, causing the «WOW»-thing.

Flowery fruit compositions appear to be a perfect solution. Romantic, juicy, yummy. Eight fruity flavors are eight original flower compositions which suit «My Love» great.

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