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Mission Monarch (Student Project)

Designer: Alexandra Geller
Project Type: Student Project
School: University of Wisconsin-Stout
Course: Product and Packaging Design
Tutor: Nagesh Shinde
Location: Menomonie, USA
Packaging Contents: Seeds
Packaging Materials: Paper, glass and mesh

In the past 20 years the population of monarch butterflies have declined by 90 percent. Part of this problem is the lack of milkweed being grown in the Midwest due to farmers cultivating land for agricultural use. Monarchs cannot survive without milkweed since the caterpillars only eat milkweed and the monarchs need it to lay their eggs on.

Mission Monarch is a seed packaging campaign for families and communities. The goal is to influence individuals to grow milkweed in their own yard to create a "monarch way station". Included are milkweed balls, seed trackers, an instruction booklet that turns into a poster and a packet with mesh and a rubber band. The jar itself can be used to take care of caterpillars when your milkweed eventually grows.

What's Unique?
While creating the logo I used a lot of water color techniques and layers to produce the right texture and shape. Instead of creating a package that will be thrown away, the jar can be used to grow caterpillars when your milkweed is eventually grown. This product is meant to bring a community together and help increase the population of the monarch butterflies.

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