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Plasmon Nutrimune

Design Agency: Break Brand & Packaging Design
Designer: Simona Baldo
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Plasmon
Location: Milano, Italy

The baby milk market is crowded with an increasing number of players. Despite being always appreciated for its uniqueness, Plasmon, one of the most well-established brands, has been suffering from the high competition. In order to set itself apart again, the company has improved its products. After a 5-year-long research conducted in their Italian labs, Plasmon created L. paracasei CBA L74, a new ingredient that is able to help the functioning of the immune system of the baby. It is a revolutionary finding that may move the market.

The new scenario requires to reconsider the graphic system of the whole milk line. The benefit of the new ingredient is to be communicated together with a general sense of security and reassurance. It is also necessary to convey the scientific background to the new finding, without moving away either from the brand’s identity or the typical communication codes of the food world. More premiumness is key to support the new positioning.

The sub-brands of the previous system have been removed to provide a cleaner and more rational layout of the elements that should lead the consumer in his buying decision (age and milk numbering). The simpler layout provides an opportunity to emphasize the new Nutrimune logo (which, form now on, is going to be the main identifier for the whole milk line). The logo was obtained by merging the shape of a shield with the one of a drop of milk, communicating the main benefit and a sense of security. The gold of the border gives more premiumness and legitimacy to the whole system. The Plasmon brand codes have been kept in the upper part of the pack, while the Oasi nella Crescita (oasis in growth) theme (generally expressed by a natural landscape) has been reduced to leave room to a white area that expresses science and technology. On the retro of the pack, the Nutrimon logo has been broken down and its elements have been explained one by one to the consumer.

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