Creative Agency: Studio 33
Designer: Leo Vinkovic
Illustrator: Mario Djeska
Photographer: Romulic & Stojcic Multimedia Studio
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Pivovara Legionar d.o.o.
Location: Osijek, Croatia
Packaging Contents: Beer
Legionar is a small, local craft brewery in Osijek, which offers two types of high-quality, carefully selected beer - India (pale ale) and Belgian (blonde ale). The name of the brewery represents both the variation on the famous Osijek slang "lega" (from the Croatian word “kolega” meaning "a friend") and a reference to the rich history of eastern Slavonia, which dates back to (pre)Roman times, when the inhabitants of the Pannonian Plain already very much enjoyed beer. The illustrative, figurative visual identity of the brewery fits the standards of beer industry communication, but its clarity and firmness go a step further and achieve recognition by the strong articulation of the central character - the Roman legionnaire. Both beers are color coded - deep red and bright yellow, while the rest of the label stays uniquely designed.
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