Designer: Jovana Randjelovic
Project Type: Student Project
School: Faculty of Philology and Arts - FILUM
Course: Graphic design
Tutor: Nemanja Dragojlovic
Location: Kragujevac, Serbia
Packaging Contents: Rakia - Serbian brandy
Packaging Materials: Glass, Paper
Rakijateka is a fictional, small family distillery which produces high-quality brandy. In Serbia fruit brandies are commonly known as Rakija, and the most popular flavours are Šljiva - made from plums, Loza - made from grapes, Dunja - made from quince...
It is widely known in Serbia, that rakia (serb. rakija) has been always considered a traditional cure, which is the main reason why she became a part of the "home pharmacy system" in almost every household. Many believe that besides being able to lift up your mood, helps in better digestion and elimination of various types of pain. But whether can rakija really cure diseases or these are just empty beliefs and secret desires, will remain debatable and each of us is given the right whether to believe it or not. This is the reason why the name of the distillery is actually a play of words - Serbian word for pharmacy is "Apoteka".
The whole concept, which was done as my master’s degree project, is based exactly on these common folk beliefs and supposed to have a touch of humor in it. The aim was to create such a brand that will at the same time be modern and tradition-oriented, so as to be interesting and meet the needs of all generations, both young and elders. The names of different flavours derive from the fruits they are made of and the name of the specific medicine, because in my country we see this brandy more like a cure than the regular alcoholic drink. That's why each flavour is meant to "cure" symptoms of various "diseases" that are related to everyday problems: mood swings, worries, stress, broken hearts, disappointment...
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