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Real Shit

Artist: Laurina Paperina
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Real Shit
Packaging Content: Organic manure, Fertilizers
Location: Italy

Real Shit displays brand activism in a creative collaboration with Laurina Paperina.

Real Shit wears brand activism on its cans in a collaboration with artist Laurina Paperina in protest against the TTIP.

The Italian start-up selling wholesome organic manure sourced straight from the farmyard has joined forces with Laurina Paperina in defiance against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

Real Shit and Paperina believe that contracts like TTIP & CETA threaten the wellbeing of animals and are passionate in their belief that food should be created in holistic, nurturing environments rather than in the sole interest of large food corporations.

Real Shit was founded by Federico Lodolini, Riccardo Mercati and Alan Dindo with the aim of bringing wholesome organic farmyard manure to urban farmers and horticultural revolutionaries. The brand seeks to remind us that eating is an agricultural act and that food consciousness starts from the rediscovery of where food comes from.

Laurina Paperina, renowned for her witty responses to current events, has designed a distinctive limited edition Real Shit can label in the hope that the collaboration can contribute to public debate and drive meaningful change at a community level.

Proceeds from the sale of the cans will be donated to the #STOPTTIP campaign.

Federico Lodolini, Co-Founder of Real Shit, comments:
“Our ultimate mission is to rediscover the ancient rural tradition of growing organic food. We believe that the TTIP endangers biodiversity by cutting out niche production, and puts at risk many European achievements in terms of food safety and animal welfare. That is why we want to show responsibility for what we stand for by planting a flag against the TTIP. Laurina Paperina’s vivid art work was the perfect way to help us to express our beliefs.”

Laurina Paperina adds:
“The idea of taking a stand against the TTIP is very important to me. I think that everybody is responsible for fighting against what threatens our health. This is my personal contribution. I must admit that designing the label of a can of “Shit” was particularly appealing for me since I created a character called “Shitman” many years ago. I couldn’t resist! The design was instinctive, natural- the only way possible.”

Real Shit x Laurina Paperina limited edition cans are available now at and Eataly Stores.

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