Designer: Frida Clerhage
Creative Director: Alexander Kandiloros
Illustrator: Clara-Cecilia Dias-Taguatinga
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Ninja Print
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Packaging Contents: Board Game
Packaging Materials: Mostly paper (and a plastic tray)
Ritjakten is a Swedish circus-themed board game for the whole family, where players draw and guess to win the game. The goal was to make a product that families will want to display in their homes, rather than hide away after playing (as is what most people do with most games). The design motto was "What would Wes Anderson do?"
Ritjakten is playable with young children who can't read yet as well: Children get an advantage both when drawing and guessing. The red cards are illustrated with the name of what's on the card written underneath in classic Futura. This way, they can also be used as cue cards when not playing aiding in teaching children to read. When playing with young children, they also get a head start guessing: Both sand glasses are turned simultaneously, and it's only when the red 15 second sand glass is empty that grown ups can start guessing.
Product design and illustrations are by Frida Clerhage; freelance illustrator, artist and designer based in Gothenburg, Sweden. She's currently studying a bachelors degree at HDK school of design and craft. She has a soft spot for colorful patterns, graphite, ink, plants, and ”humanimals”.
What's Unique?
Ritjakten has an unusually high design ambition for a family board game, while maintaining a retro feeling. The lid has old school linen finish with bronzed details in the logo, while the bottom is laminated matt, for a more modern feeling.
The dice, sand glasses, and whiteboard marker have all been custom designed to fit the theme.
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