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Boehme's Batch

Creative Agency: Carpenter Collective
Creative Director/Designer: Tad Carpenter, Jessica Carpenter
Photographer: Bethany Hughes
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Boehme's Batch
Location: Kansas City, MO USA
Packaging Contents: Toffee
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper, Plastic, Ribbon
Printing Process: Screen printing, Laminated papers

Boehme’s Batch branding and toffee packaging was created for Grandpa Bill. Bill, a small town, life-long Kansan, cooks just like the modest state he’s from. For decades he’s been making his renowned toffee recipe for family and friends. His eccentric personality can be seen in his recipe which calls to “stir them ingredients until it’s the color of a squirrel’s eye in heat”. Bill’s toffee is hand-crafted, flavorful and a bit nutty—just like Bill.

What's Unique?
This packaging and branding project had many challenges. Among them was creating a unique experience for a small run of products, yet maintaining the high level of quality the product is reflective of.

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