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Cider Barn

Creative Agency: Cookchick
Creative Director: Lee Cook
Designer: Adam McCarthy
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Thatchers
Location: Brighton
Packaging Contents: Cider
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper
Printing Process: Digital printing

For single malt whisky and single hop craft beer, brewers and distillers have selected individual malts & hops for their particular properties and taste profiles for a number of years. Although a lesser worn track in the cider making category, individual apple varieties produce very distinctly different tasting ciders. The Thatchers family have been honing their skills for selecting these individual characteristics for over four generations now.

Thatchers commissioned CookChick Design to create the brand name and packaging for a new range of premium vintage and limited edition single & dual variety ciders focusing on these very distinctive taste profiles.

Director Lee Cook comments:
‘The name Cider Barn was chosen after visiting Mytle Farm in Somerset, the home of Thatchers. A small barn has sat on the property from the 1904 beginning and from where the early family generation started to produce and sell cider straight from the barrel.

Each apple has an optimum month for harvesting. Detailing this on front of label along with the individual cider makers signature further enhances the small batch, artisanal and unique character of each cider and great for story telling’.

CookChick Designer Adam McCarthy adds:
‘The limited batch make these ciders very special and ones to savour. This production approach and attention to detail needed to come through all touch points of packaging and wrapping through to the educational booklet explaining the diverse characteristics of each apple grown at Mytle Farm’

The first three ciders are launching in January: Morgan Sweet & Grenadier (September harvest), Redstreak (October harvest) and Spartan (November harvest).

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