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Reusable Shampoo Packaging (Student Project)

Designer: Eduardo J. Neves
Project Type: Student Project
School: Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Course: Design
Location: Brazil
Packaging Contents: Shampoo / Conditioner
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Green Plastic

The project is part of a product service system that has as a concept the reuse of packaging of shampoos and conditioners. So present in our day-to-day, its packaging is made of materials of high commercial value, however they are thrown in the trash in a short time, damaging the environment and wasting the opportunity of reuse of the material. The proposal brings a brand strategy and packaging that seeks to engage the consumer in a new way of consuming, more conscious and concerned about the environment.

The "Muda" brand was developed and translated into English would be "change", which already imposes a certain amount of action on consumers who will consume these products, sharing responsibility for a more sustainable value chain. The system to which these packages are part works with the support of 2 pillars: The physical stores, in which the packages will be returned empty, and the consumers who take them will have discount in the purchase of a new product, the discount is a strategic one to encourage Consumers to adopt this new form of consumption; And the other support is an application, in which is explained strategy that aims at the engagement of consumers. Not applied we have a screen that explains the entire life cycle of the packaging, from the extraction of the raw material to its return for hygiene and replacement in the market, bringing the production chain in a more transparent way for consumers; As well as the "My Tree" program that gives consumers the chance to plant a tree together with the company, it works as follows: Each package has a specific code, when the consumer returns the empty containers at the collection points he can activate these Codes by the application of the brand, after that he chooses if he wants to participate in the "My Tree" program, if he chooses to participate he can receive a seed at home to plant the tree or he can follow the applied path where his tree was planted by the company , Via GPS.

The packaging and visual strategy is of fundamental importance in this concept of product service system, since it is through them that the company can engage its consumers to change their habits and adopt the reuse system of shampoos and conditioners. For the company, it will have less cost, because instead of always making new packaging can sanitize those already on the market, and return to the consumer, those that are damaged can be recycled to see new packaging once they are made Of Green Plastic, of Braskem, a plastic that is made from sugar cane.

What's Unique?
The project's differential lies in using design strategically for the creation not only of packaging, but of a system in which they play a key role. In this way the packages were designed with the whole life cycle in mind, from the extraction of the raw material to its disposal and reuse. The system aims to be sustainable both economically and environmentally, tracing new paths to the field of research and development of packaging design, product and services.

1 comment: Reusable Shampoo Packaging (Student Project)

  1. can i get a pdf file, or a doc file on this project?
    it's very useful for me right now


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