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Capital Brew (Student Project)

Designer: Matthew Tager
Project Type: Student Project
School: The Open Window
Course: BA Communication Design
Tutor: Carmen Coetjie
Location: Pretoria, South Africa
Packaging Contents: Beer Packaging
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass
Printing Process: Digital Printing

THE AFRICANIS - IS THE REAL AFRICAN DOG Shaped in Africa by natural selection, for Africa. It is a part of the cultural biological heritage of Africa. That is how we embody Capital Brew. Capital Brew is a craft beer that encapsulates the true roots of the South African culture. It is a beer that can be enjoyed by anyone anywhere. The packaging portrays three different flavors of beer namely, Black IPA, Honey Weiss and an Amber Ale. The project has primary packaging as well as Secondary bulk packaging. The project makes use of as few material as possible in order to be as economically friendly as possible. The tags on the lid tell the consumer what the beer tastes like e.g. Malty, hoppy or sweet. The beer comes in 500ml bottles. The bulk packaging comes in threes. Each beer flavor has a specific color to match the brew and further makes use of only black and white. This is a reflection of the two races in South Africa and the color provides a metaphor of coming together to create the rainbow nation South Africa is commonly referred to. The Slogan for Capital Brew is "Bigger bark, Bigger brew". The advertising campaigns tagline is "Man's best friend".

What's Unique?
The bottle shape is unique and take the form of a medicinal bottle which is used to inform consumers that this beer is a medicine for cultural diversity. The bulk packaging is also unique as it comes with only three bottles as oppose to the general six. It also makes use of very little material that is biodegradable.

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