Designer: Staci Dieball
Project Type: Student Project
School: University of Wisconsin-Stout
Tutor: Nagesh Shinde
Location: United States
Packaging Contents: Catnip, Catnip treats
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper, Glass, Wood, Cork
The Nepeta Effect is a brand of catnip and catnip treats inspired by the effects of nepetalactone on cats, which is the chemical that makes them high. Because of this effect, catnip could be considered the feline equivalent of weed. Since the packaging of weed has started to become more prevalent, creating an equivalent brand for cats seemed to fit the market trends.
Also, catnip and cat treats usually come in bags that are hard to open and are generally frustrating. My packaging is meant to make this experience more fun and easy by having the treats poor out of the package and having a scoop for the catnip so it can be doled out in decent sized portions.
What's Unique?
This brand allows people to submit photos of their cats getting "high" off of catnip and they have a chance seeing them shown on the packaging.
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