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Mestres Das Ribeiras Grogue

Creative Agency: Fresh Bread Design
Photographer: VonJentzen Productions
Printer: Labels West
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Mestres Das Ribeiras
Location: United States
Packaging Contents: Grog
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper, Glass
Printing Process: Flexography

The story of Cape Verde and the grog it produces is the most important aspect to Mestres Das Riberias Grogue. We began by creating custom illustrations that tell the story of Cape Verde. The strong women, the sugar cane, the cane presses and the rich history of visiting travelers all became part of the visual journey. There are layers of artistic elements that call attention to the art and history of Cape Verde and it's people.

The design mimics a vintage travel stamp as a nod to it's bustling tourism industry. It's printed on a linen paper to give it a rich and warm tactile experience. The name of the brand is in written in a bold script and outlined with a matte gold foil. We've added another 'stamp' that indicates which region the grog was sourced from, the ABV and tasting notes for that specific bottle. This is bordered with custom, hand drawn scrollwork and has a color specific palette for each region.

What's Unique?
Grog in and of itself is a unique spirit. It's not something that most people can access at their local liquor store. But outside of that, we've done our best to tell the story of Cape Verde and it's people in every square inch of the label. It's full of custom illustrations and truly reflects it's culture.

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