Product Designer: Ivan Erkic
Aggro-engineer: Nikica Marinkovic
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: BOX system
Location: Belgrade, Serbia
Packaging Contents: Multi-functional packaging box with isolation
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Wood, Wool
Printing Process: Engraving
Ivan Erkic as a product designer, author and co-founder with Nikica Marinkovic aggro-engineer from Belgrade have created a new brand in field of ecological packaging - The WooBox. Multi-functional mobile box with natural temperature insulator. As a transport unit it keeps its natural features or it becomes a in store rack or an designed modern furniture piece when not used.
Basic features of an box by default are transport, packaging and protection of the goods inside of it. Being led by this basic problems we gave the basic dull box a face-lift by keeping its main functions and expanding them.
WooBox unique design uses wooden box as a base for the wooden stripes which are used to attach and carrying several boxes at once. The stripes are cut under 45 degree angle and the spacing between them allows one to slide in one box to another. This design feature is used as a base to creating expandable furniture shelving for stores and also for homes.
The stripes have beveled edges so the sliding movement can be done in motion without any problem.
Contemporary design of the boxes have a strong visual effect. This rhythm continues to grow as we join several more box on to another and the result is very sleek and modern piece of storage unit.
By simply sliding the boxes a couple of rows on one direction away from the edge we gain a step like construction which is perfect for in-store rack for fruits, vegetables etc. By doing that movement a new shelving system is made which requires no additional construction elements, no more then a basic store floor and wall are needed as a support.
By partially sliding the stripes vertically stacked we provide a new angle of boxes which is perfect for wine bottles exposing. Angle of the wine rack is modified by sliding the boxes more or less and this also increases or decreases the number of bottles being stacked. Once more, this rack does not need any additional element and can stand on its own next to a wall or on the store floor.
Stacking up to five boxes at a time, a rigid form is made and this type of rack is easily transported by two people using no more then one hand each and a clear vision in front of them.
Wooden lid is there for support but also can be detached. By doing that the boxes have the ability to be wall or ceiling praised. By attaching one piece on ceiling for example that piece becomes the main structural element for that specific rack. Wall mounting is perfect for book shelving or small pets shelving.
Wooden box can be made of different wood material than the stripes so WooBox can get an additional custom made look or simply making the colors of the base different from the stripes. This look is perfect for modern style showrooms and stores.
Biodegradable canvas is being used as a pillow like element filled with natural wool. This sack is located on the inner side of the box as a perfect insulator for the goods helping them to keep their temperature in condition during the transport. This pillow sack can be placed on top of the box and in this way the box becomes a soft seat taburete.
This feature is especially interesting in children's day care centers, or play time places. Made out of natural materials, sliding and stacking options hel the children develop motor and intellectual skills by making interesting structures, furniture or racks - something like supersize Lego blocks.
Boxes are transported disassembled - six divided sides are stacked one in another and WooBox's dimensions are decreased from 40/30/30 to 60/30/ 7.5 cm. This makes the transport much easier and allowed us to stack many more boxes overseas.
At the end once more we would like go back to the basic concept which gives us limitless options for stacking, joining, wall or ceiling mounting, sitting, transporting and creating all kinds of structures and racks. The connecting model is patented by its author IE and can be used on a similar designs with authorization from the designer.
Patent Pending 2017.
What's Unique?
Basic features of an box by default are transport, packaging and protection of the goods inside of it. Being led by this basic problems we gave the basic dull box a face-lift by keeping its main functions and expanding them. It has a natural isolation of wool, it is degradable, and because of the possibility of joining and obtaining various shapes and Unlimited multinational unlimited using value.
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