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Flor de Édalo Contreras Ruíz Winery

Creative Agency: Granada Barrero Studio
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Contreras Ruiz Winery
Photographer: David Eiem
Location: Huelva, Spain
Packaging Contents: Wine
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle, Plastic
Printing Process: Digital printing

The renovation of the image of the young wine family Édalo for the Contreras Ruiz Winery (Rociana del Condado, Huelva) carried out by Granada Barrero Studio reflects the surroundings of Doñana.

The salt owers inspire Granada Barrero Studio in their last works for Contreras Ruiz Winery.

The assignment must resolve the new image of the first ecologic wine of the winery and his clear comminment of preserve the Doñana Environment.

As well as it must integrate in Édalo family, making the difference with his happy and innovate nature. Flower Édalo design is based en the deeply relation between the winery, his vineyard and Doñana Enviorement.

Flower Édalo born in a marine ground composed and it has a hight percentage of salt. This hight salt percentage joined with the climate condition, makes the singular characteristic of.

From the concept idea and with the purpose of keep the relationship with Édalo family, we decided to continue with the strong typography design.

Flower image design was built from five halofita plants. The draw result convine pencil and Chinese ink for be a savage and vital character. The chromatic result are blues, limes, and a white sleeve that totally cover the bottle. We decide to choose a screwcap system for an easy consume, perfect for white young wines, and ideal for consume with hight temperatures.

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