Designer: Paige Graff
3D Modeler and Printer: Matt Selnick
Project Type: Student Project
School: Philadelphia University
Course: Package Design
Tutor: Maribeth Kradel-weitzel
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Packaging Contents: Rock Climbing Shoes and Chalk Bag
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper board, cork, 3D printed polymer
Printing Process: Digital printing
For my approach, I wanted to the shoes I chose to interact with the packaging, and rock climbing seemed perfect for this idea. In my research, I found rock climbers to be very organized with their ropes, shoes, carabiners and climbing packs. I was inspired by the organization of their tools, and designed the structure around how a rope would be wrapped in storage.
For the accessory, I chose a chalk bag, which is necessary for climbers, in order for them to keep their hands dry. Again, I aimed to design something that interacted with the product.
My interactive shoe packaging, includes a climbing rope that doubles as a hanging feature in stores, as well as a handle for customers after purchase. The structure has wells for each shoe, which is held in place by rock climbing jugs. This way, the shoes can stand vertically, when held by the rope handle, mimicking the position the shoes would be in when in use. When shoes are taken out, the customer can remove the climbing jugs, to reveal instructions for repurpose. The climbing jugs have holes, so they can be screwed into drywall and used as a small planter, or a catcher for keys and loose change.
For my chalk bag packaging, I designed a hang tag that represented a climbers hand reaching into it. This whimsical approach is functional, and easy for climbers of all experience levels to relate to.
What's Unique?
My packaging design is unique, because the shoes sit vertically in the structure, similarly to when they are in use. The shoes are held in snug by rock climbing jugs, which on the reverse shows instructions on how to re-purpose them. This structure holds a total of three components, a rock climbing rope, climbing shoes, and jugs to be repurposed.
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