Designer: Al Atika
Graphic Designer: Ibrahim Awadhi
Photographer: Rhayem Dhahbi
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Location: Al Qayrawan Tunisia
Packaging Contents: Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass Bottle, Cardboard
Printing Process: Serigraphy
The etymology of the word AL ATIKA exists in Arabic language to define the oldest aspect of the subject. So the word dates back to the era when olive trees first existed on earth.
Al Atika is an olive oil grown in the heart of Tunisia. More precisely, in the south region. Al Qayrawan prides itself on producing the best oil of the country thanks to its privileged geological and climatic conditions. Al Atika represents the result of ancestral knowledge affiliated with modern techniques in order to preserve all of the benefits and flavors contained in its olives. A dash of daring and a lot of a particular attention on the respect of the grounds and the environment. The harvesting of this unique olive is carried out, in late November and early December, to ensure an olive oil rich in polyphenols. This is the secret of Al Atika to express the intensity of its terroirs.
What's Unique?
Calligraphy, black and gold, and a mix between antique and modern design.
The design of our products are inspired from ancestral and antique architecture proper to the city of Al Qayrawan which explains the close ties of Al Atika with the details evolving around the life style and the culinary habits of the region.
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