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SnapMax Mini Snacks

Creative Agency: Love Mondays
Founder/Creative Director: Dale Evans
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: The Dairy Farm Company Limited
Location: Stockhol, Sweden
Packaging Contents: Biscuits, Crackers, Cookies, Shortbread
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Uncoated Paper

Dairy Farm in Hong Kong currently have a new objective to create new private label (category specific) brands that are more relevant to consumer need states. They want these brands to look more appealing and less like private label, in order to compete with national brands. They aim to offer better value for money and in turn drive sales.

SnapMax is a brand for all the snacking product categories with the brand essence of “whole new snacking experience”. Love Mondays were briefed to look at a range of mini snacks which were being developed to drive sales in the this category. The large range included mini hearts, crackers, cubes, shortbread and cookies. The brief included brand creation, identity and packaging design.

Nordic Account Manager (Madelene Ackheim) explains “Snacking is exciting and fun, and that’s why the territory of ‘Snack Big, Snack Bold’ seemed perfect for this brief. SnapMax is known for introducing new products with great flavours and it’s about the simple pleasures in life – taking time out for yourself to kick back and enjoy the snacks you love”.

Love Mondays came up with a number of bold and colourful concepts.

Creative Director Dale Evans explains “We had some fun with this brief. With the territory of Snack Big, Snack Bold we wanted to really shake up the category. The chosen concept taps into a comment that came out of research when one consumer said the products were almost too good to share. That’s where the idea of ‘All Mine’ came from – represented by the Saul Bass inspired hand. We created a simple bold logotype for the ‘Mini’ sub brand with a bite taken out to represent the snacking category. The product descriptors all have their own unique style, as do the patterns in the background, and the yummy product photography takes centre stage“.

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