Creative Agency: Spazio Di Paolo
Designer: Mario Di Paolo
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Valori
Location: Abruzzo / Italy
Packaging Contents: Wine
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle, paper, wood.
“Chiamami quando piove”, which, in Italian, means “Call me when it rains”, was heedlessly said during a telephone call by Luigi Valori. It’s a sentence that encloses all the truthfulness he put into its biological products. After analizing the market and its sceneries, we’ve chosen a natural visual language which is familiar and daily, making the customer think and, at the same time, it makes him dialog with the same claim from Luigi. Usually, the complex and various world of biological products makes the customer reflect about the production and producer’s ethic, and often we don’t get that explained from a normal packaging. Starting from his famous quote, in this wine line we went over the certifications, in fact we talked about the person and about the winegrower focused on his relationship, both human and natural, with his vineyards and the time. The nature equilibrium runs on weather conditions, and man adapts to its conditions to indulge it and make the best out of it. Besides, nature gives this variable element which characterised a biological wine through the years, and so time becomes the reading key of this packaging project, whilst colourful umbrellas and different rains valorize the storytelling.
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