Designer: Clara Agustina
Project Type: Student Project
School: Binus Northumbria School of Design
Course: Design Studies II
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Packaging Contents: Cold Beverages
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Carton
Printing Process: Digital printing
Dedinginan aims to bring drinks that are commonly found in Indonesia’s traditional market closer to busy people. By making these drinks available in mini/supermarkets, they would be able to get their favorite drinks without the hassle of going to traditional market. The word “dedinginan”, derives from and Indonesian word “dingin” (/di·ngin/) --meaning “cold”, is a slang or term used mostly by people in West Java area in reference to something cold.
Products include Cendol and Selendang Mayang, which are both cold beverages known for its jelly-like flour-based ingredient. Variations of the beverages are based on its sugar level, shown on the front and right side of the packaging.
The designs applied on the packagings were created using various traditional methods such as woodcut, stencil, and watercolor in order to give it a rough and raw feel.
What's Unique?
The packaging design is modern and compact, yet is able to maximize the capacity. There is a slight indentation on the corner that acts as a space for large straw, which is provided to bring ease for consumers in slurping the jelly-like ingredient of the beverage.
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