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Urban Cuisine Cooking Spray

Designer: Ian Wallace
Project Type: Concept
Location: Chile
Packaging Contents: Oil, Butter
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Aluminium, Plastic

Urban Cuisine is born when the masters of the street kitchen decide to incorporate new techniques and concepts to their creations, re-inventing their food now with the art of graffiti.

The urban kitchen is the place of flavours, substances, sighs and secrets. But also of surprises, concepts, colours and memories. It's a creation site.

In the way it's cooked there is always a tradition, which is passed on and perfected generation by generation: the concept of "Street Food" ... What does street food really have if it's not cooked with the right tools? This award-winning packaging combines with originality a classic graffiti spray with the culinary art, where you can appreciate its urban characteristics, as for example, in the "doughnut" of the can was designed a graffiti for the product, with several colours that demonstrate a creative explosion and that captivates the mind at first sight through its saturated variations. In addition, they were designed and created "Tags" for each can as we can see written vertically in the lower area of the body, where it says "Canola Oil" in the first one and "Farm Butter" in the second one, with a unique typography of an urban artist. Is a packaging design that combines and balances the saturation of colours and typographies representative of a graffiti with the creativity of cooking to obtain a perfect result. In addition, you can see in the body of the spray a different colour for each can in the form of what is called "drip", which generates the feeling that the paint is slowly falling through the aerosol giving different shapes.

This is a product that will bring colours and sensations to the food process, the most important moment to reach a brilliant result.

A recipe doesn't have a soul, it's the cook who must give soul to the recipe.

What's Unique?
This award-winning packaging is an experience. This original design, more than a kitchen element, is a language that seeks to originate an emotional effect on both: the receiver and the cook. With this the chef becomes a "graffiti artist" and the client becomes an art spectator. From the moment the cook picks up the can, waves it and begins to sprinkle the oil in a frying pan his emotions and creativity explodes and that's the moment than begins to create. He's no longer just a cook… is also a street artist.

As soon as the pans are heated and the oil cans are shaken, the art begins.

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