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Yes Me

Creative Agency: Getbrand
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Location: Moscow, Russia
Packaging Contents: Ice cream
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Plastic, Paper

For Volga Ice we created 5 different brands of ice cream. Today we will tell you about the ice cream «Yes me», whose motto is "pleasure without guilt".

A task:
In Cheboksary, we came to conduct a workshop dedicated to creation of brands for Volga Ice. With the team of Volga Ice, we had to look at the usual product (ice cream) from every possible angle to see new opportunities and outline new directions for the company. One of the key points during the training is to identify the different needs of consumers. As a result of brainstorming, we identified one of the insights (verbatim): "I want to enjoy delicious desserts and do not feel guilty because of this, but all the tasty things are too sweet and high-calorie, but healthy food is tasteless and does not cause appetite." A fairly large percentage of people adhere to a healthy lifestyle, monitors nutrition, but sometimes wants to pamper themselves with a useful tasty dessert.

The concept for the new brand of ice cream was the slogan – «pleasure without guilt». That’s how brand «Yes me» appeared. These are frozen desserts made from natural fruit and berry puree, which contain fewer calories than yogurt, and more flavor than smoothies. The packaging concept focuses on brightness, juiciness and freshness of taste, illustrating the essence of the brand - you can eat ice cream, enjoy its taste and do not worry that it will affect the figure.

«Yes me» is a real wand that helps you easily control your spontaneous desire to eat something delicious.

The audience of the brand is positive rationalists. They appreciate the variety and taste, while carefully choosing their food.

Our product fits perfectly into the diet of healthy food by adding healthy and nutritious ingredients. There is nothing superfluous in it - no animal fats, added sugars and fast carbohydrates. These benefits we carried to the front of the package and added information about the calories that each sorbet contains. Thus, the combination of detailed infographics with a bright and appetizing foodzone attracts the buyer and helps to be sure of the right choice.

«Yes me» is a juicy and fresh choice for those who want to enjoy the tasty dessert without any fear about the figure.

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