Design: Live Animations
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: My Yeti
Location: New York, USA
Packaging Contents: Ice cream
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Plastic
Ice cream with a cartoon in augmented reality My Yeti is an innovative marketing solution that has no analogs in the world. The main idea of the My Yeti project was to combine cartoons with augmented reality and ice cream to create a product that children and their parents would love. We developed cute main characters - a funny family of snow people who came to us from a distant planet and created 20 cartoons of the first season with starring these characters. All cartoon series are placed on 5 types of ice cream in random order.
This marketing solution has made it possible to change the motivation for buying the product - now the children and their parents are buying ice cream not just for the sake of taste, but also for to watch a new series of AR-cartoons and collect the whole set.T his led to a rapid increase in sales and repeat purchases. The AR solution was created by IT company Live Animations.
What's Unique?
- The motivation for repeated purchases through push-notifications in the mobile app from characters
- The educational and useful plot of the cartoon
- The ability to record videos and take photos with characters
- The call to purchase an ice cream product through the cartoon plot
- The cartoon series collecting system as a tool for repeated sales
- The ability to scale and view the cartoon from different angles
- The ability to watch downloaded unlocked series off-line
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