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40 Filari Wine

Agency: Glum Agency
Creative Director: Alessandra Santomarco
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Cantina Ariano
Location: San Severo, Italy
Packaging Contents: Wine
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass and paper

An Apulian winery that has made tradition, passion and sustainable agriculture its dictat for a lifetime. Glum agency has realized the new packaging for the 40 Filari line of wines with the aim of giving the quality of the wine an attractive, modern and charming design.

A packaging studied to immediately make visible and recognizable the line of wines and distinguish it from the others. We have dressed the wine bottle with two labels, both made of natural paper.

The lower label recalls the color of the type of wine, which is green for white wine and purple for red wine; and an upper white label that highlights the name of the line in question; in fact, the upper label is characterized by the 40 die-cut that takes up the natural color of the raw materials contained in the bottle.

We have created for the 40 Filari line of wines a packaging which gives the wine itself an aesthetic value that expresses quality, harmony, elegance, because wine is not just a mere product of nature, but a real object of value to which attribute its own identity.

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