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S Ocean Bath Sea Salt - Zero plastic

Design: Van Heertum Design VHD
Project Type: Concept
Location: Tilburg, the Netherlands
Packaging Contents: Bath Salt
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Aluminium, recycled paper

Bath salt soaks help you detox, hydrate, heal your skin and the therapeutic benefits of bathing in sea salt have been around for ages. It’s rich with minerals like magnesium, calcium, zinc and potassium, which help strengthen the skin and improve hydration levels.

So, in short, a product provided by the ocean for our wellbeing. Nature’s way of helping us with this unique ingredient. On the other hand, we all know what is happening with the ocean at the moment and that it’s filling up with plastic. Plastic that we put there.

If we look at the packaging of this unique natural product, unfortunately we see a lot of plastic bags, jars etc. used for selling the bath salts. So, we sat down with some of our designers to create a concept with zero plastic and combining it with striking and eye-catching design. Best of both worlds.

The Bath salt is sold in minimalistic, bold coloured, aluminium reusable cans. The happy and brightly coloured cans give you a good feeling and will be an asset for every bathroom. You buy your refills in recycled paper bags. The different scents, added herbs, are easily recognisable by the bold colour combinations in the S branded stickers (also produced with recycled paper and vegetable-based glue).

The brand design is based on the S referring to the Sea and Salt. The brand symbol is topped off with a half O (zero). An O cut in half, to remind us, although we are wishing for a Zero plastic ocean again, we still have a lot of work to do together.

What's Unique?
Zero plastic use in the packaging (in a market that still uses a lot of plastic). Reusable packaging that is an asset in any bathroom. You only have to buy 1 initial pack and afterwards can refill it using recycled paper. A zero-plastic product, to help with the plastic ocean problem. The same ocean that provides us with the product itself.

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