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Honest Sustainable Perfume

Design: Cristina Seijas Fernández, Beatriz Martínez Pazos
Project Type: Student Project
School: Idep Barcelona
Course: Postgraduate in Advanced Graphic Design in Identity, Editorial and Packaging
Tutor: Francesc Morata
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Packaging Contents: Perfume
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass Bottle, Paper, Bioplastic, Rubber

Honest is a perfume which main values are sustainability and the commitment to the environment. It is designed so that all materials are easily separable —we are not using any kind of adhesive—, in this way they can be reused or recycled more easily. The person can decide the second life that he/she would like to give to his/her product.

This perfume calls to people that are constantly moving around, experimenting and discovering, who also feel disconnected from the current perfumery; to people that are more into the slow and simple lifestyle, that feel inspired by nature and follow their dreams and passions.

Three different fragrances were made, inspired by different environments: mountain, beach and city. In this way every person can choose the one they feel more related to them and their lifestyle.

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