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Design: LinkupDesign
Location: Germany
Project Type: Produced
Client: Heyl zu Herrnsheim Weinkeller GmbH
Product Launch Location: Germany
Packaging Contents: White wine
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass, cardboard

With the design of a new wine label, LinkupDesign has once again created a real bestseller on the wine shelf.

Heyl zu Herrnsheim Weinkeller GmbH has a new Pinot Gris: Mathilde. The wine is dedicated to Mathilde Princess von Ysenburg-Büdingen, daughter-in-law of the first Baron von Heyl zu Herrnsheim. The Niersteiner country estate of the family was named "Mathildenhof" in her honour and this exquisite Pinot Gris now also bears her name.

The wine is sold exclusively by Jacques' wine depot in the depots and online. The sale was started as part of one of the 14-day campaigns. The demand is very high and in many depots, the Pinot Gris is already completely sold out.

In direct comparison to other, similar campaigns, the turnover could be increased by more than 30% in the same period!

LinkupDesign sees the provocative and eye-catching design as one of the main reasons for such sales growth. The label is a real "eye-catcher" and, compared to other wines of this genus, very contemporary. It can be assumed that younger buyers, in particular, were also addressed by the label and encouraged to buy.

The winery is breaking new ground with LinkupDesign. We deliberately avoided the usual grids and schemes of wine design. The label is reduced to the essentials and common rules, such as the use of a logo or other image elements, are broken here.

In terms of printing technology, the different lacquers, which on the one hand are raised and thus palpable and on the other hand printed with matt lacquer, provide an interesting haptic experience.

0 comments : Mathilde

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