Location: Russia
Project Type: Produced
Product Launch Location: Russia
Packaging Contents: Ready meal
A task
To develop a packaging design for a new brand of ready-to-eat meals that combines the modern classics of the Russian dining table. The assortment brings together cuisines from different regions and what people most often choose as a full meal or snack.
Decision When a brand is at the beginning of its life, it is especially important to convey values, visual and semantic identity and product concept to the consumer.
The visual and semantic identity focuses attention on Russian cuisine, attracting the sympathy of traditionalists as the core of the target audience.
Russia is a multi-confessional country that includes many peoples and ethnic groups, each of which has its own traditions in nutrition. This is underlined by the original logo in the form of a slide of pots in a color code, which contains a reference to the flag of our large immense country. From Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, you have the opportunity to find something new in every region, enjoy the variety and flavor of local cuisine.
The packaging itself has a certain architecture - a logo, a photo of the chef, a ready-made dish, and the main ingredients that make up the composition. The appetizing food zone in the upper half of the package excites the taste buds and makes you want to experience culinary delight and get acquainted with the gastronomic traditions of our large country.
The brand gives us the opportunity to experience the wealth and greatness of our country with a variety of traditions, a variety of cultures and peoples living in Russia.
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