Location: United States
Project Type: Student Project
School: University of Wisconsin-Stout
Tutor: Nagesh Shinde
Packaging Contents: Juice
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Plastic bottle, Tin, Paper
Printing Process: Digital Printing
Made with fresh fruits and vegetables, Naked Juice is a beloved drink across the world. With many options including “Half Naked”, “Machines” and “Naked Plus,” it is without doubt that one can discover a flavor that will speak to their Naked craving.
I designed these bottles based off of the line “Naked Fruit and Veggie.” Representing the flavors of Mighty Mango and Berry Blast, this packaging design includes a detailed hand drawn pattern of the various fruits and vegetables included in each bottle. The name “Naked” is also cut-out to represent the naked feel of the brand and to allow the consumer to see exactly what is in the bottle.
With lots of information on the original design, it was important to me to create a clean and simplistic design that would draw consumers to the brand without overwhelming them. This was achieved by including a pullback tab on the back of the bottles, layering the information based off the importance.
The bottles are topped off with a metallic cap, allowing the product to stand out against competitors and to achieve a modern look.
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