Location: Spain
Project Type: Produced
Client: Bodegas Fernández de Piérola
Product Launch Location: Global
Packaging Contents: Wine
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle
Printing Process: Embossing and screen printing varnish
Fernández de Piérola is a winery with a very recognisable and distinctive image in the national market. When it comes to introducing a new range of wines on the American market, the aim is to reinforce the winery's family character and its commitment to sustainability.
At the core of the project lies the premise of building a proposal for a timeless, premium brand, capable of sparking interest and love for the world of wine in the USA. It also includes the definition of the brand narrative: concept, structure, and storytelling.
With a clear approach adapted to the taste of the American consumer, the proposal draws on a number of influences which enable it to be identified as a Rioja, while at the same time competing with other regions: Chile, Argentina, Italy...
• Create a relevant brand that is quickly identifiable by the American wine consumer. • Build a recognisable aesthetic and its own distinguishing imaginary. • Project brand personality: family, sustainability, Rioja...
The composition seeks to unify all the brand's unique and distinctive features through codes which, at a glance, consumers will quickly understand and identify as being linked to the family heritage. A clear connection was also sought across the entire range to reinforce some types of wine with others, and to establish communicating vessels with a view to the best possible introduction into this competitive market.
Brand hierarchy is clear: a reinterpreted family coat of arms which is transmitted to the die, the name of the winery as an endorsement and guarantee, and Rioja as an appellation of prestige. Elements such as the numbering are also present to reinforce the exclusive and premium nature of this range.
We looked for a composition that was clearly in line with the values of respect for a way of doing things and sustainability which are instilled by the ownership of Bodegas Fernández de Piérola. A classic composition which is divided by a coloured stripe, breaking the hieratic nature of the configuration.
From the very first moment, the desire to belong to the premium wine segment is clear, through the use of unmistakable category codes: typography, prints… From the outset, the range has been conceived as one to which new wines can be added as consumers recognise them.
All the materials used are based on the premise of being environmentally friendly and easily recyclable. The printing serves to reinforce the product's premium nature and accentuates the family treatment of each of the wines as an expression of a way of understanding viticulture.
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