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Design: Adéla Bláhová
Location: Czech Republic
Project Type: Produced
Client: Vinka
Product photography: Tomáš Brabec
Product Launch Location: Europe
Packaging Contents: Wine
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle
Printing Process: Offset, Hot Foil, Emboss

When a young Slovak winemaker came to me looking for a new approach to the visual branding of her winery, I sensed that this relationship will bring something unconventional. We both understood each other immediately and that is also the reason why the labels and final look of Vinka are very intimate and personal. The goal was to create something simple and minimalistic but not ordinary. Primarily, we worked an angle that captures the difficulty and purity of a vintner's work. Therefore, every symbol on the label has meaning and in each of them the fingerprints of honest, artisan craft. The labels bear illustrated symbols that depict the letter "V" comprised of grapes, which are each imprinted with a fingerprint. The symbols highlight the artisan nature of the brand.

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