3D Designer: Miquel Nadal
Packaging Designer: Paola Parodi
Copy Writter: Sofia Vera
Location: Venezuela
Project Type: Produced
Client: Solumar
Product Launch Location: Venezuela
Packaging Contents: Nasal Spray
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Cardboard & Plastic
Printing Process: Flexography
Solumar is a hypertonic solution of seawater. Like the sea, it comes without preservatives, it is rich in mineral salts, and marine trace elements. The value of the solution comes from its multiple uses: it is recommended for cleaning, nasal decongestion as well as for hydration, and the treatment of allergies, colds, rhinitis, sinusitis, and post-operative surgeries.
The main goal of the packaging redesign was to transmit its naturalness and reinforce it with a seal that denotes 100% natural seawater. The aim was also to emphasize the concentration of the product since the brand is working towards obtaining different concentrations, that the user will be able to identify by diverse colors in the packaging.
What's Unique?
We believe it is a unique project. As a pharmaceutical packaging, it stands out for its simplicity. When creating the design we aimed for the connection that the wave makes around the packaging. It's not common for a product that is recommended in medical terms, to play around with visual shapes that catch everyone's eyes on the pharmacy shelves. So we truly believe that it is an interesting and playful proposal for a nasal spray.
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