Designed by Devi Natalia, a student at Tarumanagara University, Indonesia.
Quintino's is a company that focusing on the coffee business by specializing deliver the best quality of Arabica coffee from many islands in Indonesia. Since the head roaster as well as the founder is an Italian, their coffee are roasted with classic Italian style (darker from the common process).
One of their biggest problem in the market is only few people know about their brand and their product. So, I redesigned their logo + package. In order to position their brand and product in consumer's mind, I played and emphasized their 'Q' word name into the illustration of a cup (looked from above) which shaped to look similar to 'Q'. On the backside of the package, I still emphasized their 'Q'.
To put more personal feeling with customer, I add label tag for their 250 gr package. Inside those label tag, customer might find a quick information about Quintino's, map location, etc.
Quintino's coffee product available in 8 variety of 250 gr and 1 variety of 3 sized box (contain sachets).

The "Q" has a significant attention indeed. The packaging design will surely emphasized gradually.