Designed by Pappas Group, United States.
Pure Matters makes high quality nutritional supplements, organized for the consumer in lifestyle, conditions and basic everyday health categories. In keeping with the brand personality, the packaging is designed to be honest, simple and straightforward.
The Pure Matters logo is part of a benefit statement and is the standout element on the packaging. The "pinch" graphic leads the eye from the band name, in its prominent area, to the name of the product inside. The bottles are made from a proprietary UV-coated amber glass which protects the contents, but the lower portion of the bottle labels are transparent so contents are still visible.
The outer box introduces you to the brand story and the vibrant color system. Each lifestyle category gets a unique color, which is the primary unifying design element. Abstract photographic textures are used to further differentiate the product categories - and are chosen because they symbolize purity, simplicity and nature. The signature P icon is carried throughout the product system and is shown cropped and folded over corners, and serves to further the unification of the brand system.
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