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2012 Wine

Designed by StudioIN, Russia.

Upholding tradition, StudioIN has designed a corporate gift for New Year’s Eve. While designing the bottle, we chose a topic that over the past year was among the most discussed: the 2012 apocalypse. The label shows the 14 most ‘popular’ scary scenarios satisfying any taste: from rather predictable natural disasters to those absolutely fantastic.

Despite that humanity has been discussing the end of the world for millennia, we plan to celebrate this ‘last’ New Year’s Eve to the fullest, following our own unforgettable scenario.

3 comments: 2012 Wine

  1. Interesting illustration, and great colours!I'm sure this would make a great present for both 2012 skeptics and believers

  2. I've never seen a bottle designed quite like that before. That will definitely catch a lot of attention on any shelf.


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