Design: Navorsky Design Studio
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Oba FoodBox!
Location: Porto Velho, Brazil
Packaging Contents: Home Made Cuisine
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Plastic, Paper, Cardboard
Oba Foodbox is a local food business that will provide ready house-made meals in the delivery mode. The focus of the company is to explore a latent market opportunity, an audience that needs to feed itself daily with quality food ( not fast food ) but often does not have the time to move to a restaurant let alone prepare their own food.
Oba Foodbox will offer a balanced menu within the "homemade" precepts, always using selected ingredients, validated and efficient production methods. Initially the brand will offer meals for the weekly lunch, with future pretension to expand to night with suitable menu.
The meals will be sold in personalized boxes, conditioned for an immediate and practical consumption of the client. The presentation of the product is one of the main differentials of the business, along with fast delivery, which needs to be well explored in brand communication.
The naming of the company is a simple and colloquial interjection "Oba" or "Yey" in english. It represents the simplicity of the business, connects with a young and funky audience.
What's Unique?
We have created a series of stamps that refer to the postal service and stamps. These stamps can be used in packaging, internal communication, external communication among other places. The stamps are the differential of the visual identity, that happens to be much more versatile with the use of them.
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