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Design: Orpetron
Location: Turkey
Project Type: Produced
Product Launch Location: Global
Packaging Contents: Perfuming solutions
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Plastic

Jamaliat is a company located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, specializing in perfuming solutions and manufacturing scents for high-quality devices that work with nanotechnology, which is considered one of the latest technologies for scenting in the world.

We started the project by evaluating the brand and the identity system, and we discussed goals, value positioning, naming, pricing strategy, targeted audience...etc. After that, we built an identity system that helps the company reach its goals and be the targeted audience's luxury option.

After building the identity system, we categorized the products and how they would be different visually.

After determining the best material option, we worked on the design, which was based on having a color pallet and patterns collected from the perfume sources besides preparing the models of the bottles that will be used inside air freshener devices.

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