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Bigo - the energy of nature!

Design: Getbrand
Location: Russia
Project Type: Produced
Client: Biproduct
Product Launch Location: Russia
Packaging Contents: Natural Energy drink
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Aluminium

About the project
Bigo is a natural energy tonic. Completely natural composition without the use of synthetic taurine and caffeine. Provides long-term improvement in the state of the body, including overcoming current and chronic fatigue. Promotes long-term improvement in mental and physical performance.

Entrepreneur Dmitry Popov, founder of the Biproduct company, commissioned us to redesign the energy tonic Bigo. We had to develop a recognizable design that could distinguish the brand on the shelf, “move” federal and local competitors, and visually and effectively convey the benefits of the product. It is important to visually detach from the patterns accepted in the category and thereby designate a new category of natural energy drinks and its functionality.

The name Bigo contains an interesting game of words. But the previous design did not correspond to the concept originally embedded in the brand. A strange combination of gradients, chemical colors did not reflect the essence of the brand at all.

We started with a design audit using our “Three Layers of Efficiency” methodology, putting the brand on the shelf with competitors - there are no close competitors to this product, but in retail it will stand with the rest of the energetics, such as Red Bull and Adrenaline Rush, which are present in the category. And it must stand out among them and convey its benefits and advantages.

After the presentation of the audit, the client himself understood what points of growth could be in the design in order to best demonstrate the benefits of the product.

The new design actually became the opposite of the original. The design is dominated by green and white colors, emphasizing the naturalness of the product. The large Bigo logo is located at the top of the package. The red brand focuses on natural composition and four main ingredients. The main characteristics of the product are revealed in the form of additional stoppers. There is also a QR code on the package which helps you to learn more about the product.

The design was developed within our "Startup" tariff, when we create one concept, approving a brief with the client, conducting an audit and reflecting the basic brand direction on which the brand will be based.

This approach helps to reduce the cost of design development for novice entrepreneurs at times and gives them the opportunity to get excellent results from working with a rating agency.

As a result of the redesign, the product got into federal networks. We also helped with packaging materials for sales departments. The packaging is marked "Made by Getbrand", which for us is a factor of pride for the work performed, and for the client - an opportunity to express gratitude.

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