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Tears Of The Gods

Creative Agency: The BrandHouse
Brand Strategist: Katerina Tsenebis
Creative Director: Nikos Vlahoyiannis
Designer: Petros Fronistas
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Apipharm
Location: Athens, Greece

Our client, Apipharm, asked us to create a series of premium honey brands originating from four different regions of Greece for Apipharm. The title “Tears Of The Gods”, is inspired by the various tales for the Bee, according to which the “tears of the Gods” were as sweet as honey!

The Unique Points Of The Packaging:
On the one side of the each of the four packs the brand name Tears Of The Gods is split word by word while each back side carries the name in full. Just a visual trick when the packs are presented in a row.

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